Archive for the ‘.NET’ Category

while experimenting with VS 2008 Beta 2 and WCF, i cudn’t generate the client proxy using svcutil.exe. I built the server as a WPF application and hosted the service there (self-host). i was using netTcp binding for the service.

in preparation to get the client working, i created a new IIS application and created a directory under the main directory called App_Code. I copied all the code for Service and the Contract in the App_Code directory so that it be JIT compiled before use. Added the service.svc and web.config to the application. Then browsing to the URL gave me the test page.

then svcutil.exe was to be used but it kept crashing. a live search got me to this page:

and that did it!

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You have done great work on developing your web application and now is the time to build forms for master tables. That is very irritating.

VS 2008 has a new way that you can build the same – Enter the LinqDataSource. LINQ is one of the key technologies added in .NET 3.5 and will be released soon.

So, if you are trying out VS 2008, you got to try it out. For detailed steps,

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