The video from the webinar is as follows:

We will shortly be publishing the Q&A from the webinar as well. Keep checking.

Microsoft Technology Developers constitute one of the largest technical communities in the world. A significant number of these communities are hosted by external parties other than Microsoft. In addition, Microsoft itself hosts a number of these communities.

Recently, I was invited to deliver a session on community tools that Microsoft developers can benefit from at Delhi User Group. I took sometime looking up these communities and was astounded by the sheer numbers of these Microsoft hosted communities. While I made all efforts to include the ones i could find, I am sure that i may have left quite a bit of them as well. If you know of something that i may have left, please leave a comment here for everyone’s benefit.

I haven’t covered the 3rd party communities in the presentation below. Also, the most obvious resource for technical info on MS technologies – MSDN & Technet have been left out.

If you are someone working with Microsoft technologies, spend a minute looking at these technology communities from Microsoft and i am sure that you would leave with some links u were not aware of.

Remember the success of the community depends on the people who actively contribute.. looking forward to ur mark in the community!

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Live Maps from Microsoft is a good product.. and till now it was only good in US.. Microsoft has finally made Live Maps available for India (news via it is still not comprehensive for small cities in India and only has Street Maps for 9 major Indian cities – Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Pune, Ahmedabad, and Jaipur.

I took the maps for a spin asking for directions from MG Road in Gurgaon to India Gate in Delhi. The result (seen below) are exactly the route that i would take.


Amongst other features are Local Search, driving directions and business listings. The Live Maps seem good as a start but i need more time to verify the comprehensiveness and accuracy of the map data.. hope it meets my criteria 🙂

Check out your city on Live Maps: and let us know what you feel about the search..

ZuneZune, the iPod rival, has released its version 3.0.. the release further enhances the utility of the hardware available on the device.. Zune distinguishes itself from iPod by including FM tuner and WiFi ability at the same price as iPod.. the v3 release includes additional functionality for FM tuner and WiFi..

“Buy from FM”
This feature lets you download the song that u hear on the radio of your Zune.. this download will happen the next time you sync your device.. i am not sure if this will work for Indian FM stations.. wud check this feature soon..

zune2 “Browse Zune Marketplace wirelessly”
You can download music directly to your Zune from any wireless hotspot at home, at a café or wherever else.. earlier u cud only stream wireless music within ur home network.. if ur in US, you can wirelessly sync ur Zune at any McDonald’s restaurants..

Zune 3.0 come preloaded with Texas hold ’em and Hexic. you can now play games on your Zune.. in addition, if u want to create new games for Zune you can using XNA studio (that is available for free)..

A nifty new feature added to Zune is the clock that gets displayed on top right of your screen.

zunepasshero“Zune Channels”
Zune marketplace introduces a new feature called channels. Channels are predefined playlists. However, this is only available to Zune Pass holders (USD 15).. with this Zune Pass, you can download unlimited no. of songs from the marketplace.. i think the channels greatly enhance the value of Zune Pass.. i especially like the fitness channel there.. also present are radio stations like KROQ and KEXP and by Billboards…

I use my Zune the most for listening to podcast.. And now Zune natively supports audiobooks from and OverDrive..

zuneplayerSome additional new hardware available:

  1. Both 16GB and 120GB Zune devices have been added to the lineup
  2. Additional colours added are glossy black front and a black metal back
  3. More designs are now available to personalize your Zune via Zune Originals

With this update, Zune becomes a complete entertainment device and much more useful than iPod that is still only a music player…

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You’ve seen numerous Windows Mobiles in the market from makers like Motorola, HTC, imate, Samsung (in fact only Nokia doesn’t have a Windows Mobile phone!!).. what you have NOT seen is the Windows Mobile displaying local Indian languages like Hindi.. watch these screenshots from my HP Windows Mobile phone:


   Watch the day of the week in Hindi alongwith the name of the month. Even the appointments have the days mentioned in Hindi.

So why hasn’t Windows Mobile been able to show Hindi fonts?

While Windows Mobile supported Unicode, the core issue was the font engine in WM did not know (was not built) how to render complex characters. The reason why it was not done for WM, was that made the font engine heavy and OEMs didn’t want to increase memory footprint for that. Also, there were no fonts natively for Hindi on WM. All that changes with this application install that enables the following features.

An inscript Hindi keyboard:


Any WM application that supports Hindi fonts can now actually display them. look at the screenshot of google maps on Win Mobile:


And yes, even Word and Excel documents containing Hindi text render correctly on the Windows Mobile (using Word Mobile):


Earlier, you could not browse Hindi websites on mobiles. Now, websites that render Unicode text are also shown correctly (intentionally rendered in Opera Mini to show that it works in all browsers):


i have tried sending a Hindi SMS to a hindi enabled Nokia phone and it has worked seamlessly!!

However, it should be noted that this solution is not a localization engine. The dates and few other things get localized because they happen to use localized fonts which are installed by this font engine. Hence, most of the menu items of Windows Mobile are not rendered in Hindi but in default English.

Now, if you want your Windows Mobile to start showing you things in Hindi, you can download the solution FREE of cost from here: 

The solution is designed for Microsoft Windows Mobile-based devices with a touch screen for Windows Mobile 5 and Win Mobile 6 Professional.

remember, this solution is not to localize WM to Hindi, but rather enable WM to get Hindi input and show Hindi characters on the UI (not changing the UI elements from eng to hindi)..

Let me know what you think of this solution.

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“Microsoft community drives Microsoft products” – a statement that would make you roll with laughter, isn’t it? it did for me too till i attended the User Group Leads meet organised by Microsoft. it is here that i witnessed the seriousness with which the user group community goes about its job (i had earlier tweeted about this).ugleads

User Groups is the life blood of the Microsoft communities (other community avenues include blogs, forums, webcasts and events) in India…  there are more than 40,000 known users spread across India in numerous professional user groups in various cities (there are another equal nos. in student user groups)… the bangalore user group can alone boast of more than 10,000 users (truly amazing)..  with more than 71 user group sessions in the last year alone, u can’t be far away from one happening in any large city of the country.

ugdiscussion The user group leads were a very attentive and enthusiastic bunch who met the MS folks with great deal of passion and feedback. the commitment from MS folks was more than evident with around 10 MS employees present to engage with the community leaders. Not only were the user group leads eager to provide feedback, they also spent significant time exchanging notes and sharing their vision of the user groups with each other.

The focus wasn’t only on the established user groups like in Mumbai but also on the emerging ones e.g. in Jaipur. the most exciting moment was the User Group award time:

ugaward the BEST Developer User Group for the country was found to be the Bangalore User Group. the BEST Networking Professionals User Group was the Bangalore IT Pro User Group. Amongst the new or emerging user groups in the country, Chennai .NET User Group was adjusted as the best and Hyderabad Techies was the choice in the IT Pro UG section.

If you want to enhance/ share your knowledge with the community, head over to to find the user group in your city and join the same. Joining any MS User Group anywhere in the country is absolutely FREE. The quality of speakers in the user groups is surprisingly high with most being MVPs, Microsoft Employees and other reputed speakers.

If you know of an active MS community that is not mentioned in the list above, please leave a comment here and I will take the responsibility of getting it listed

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Live Mesh technical preview has expanded to include Canada, India and Ireland (English only).

mesh So what is Live Mesh you might wonder? Live Mesh is supposed to be a platform on which anyone would be able to build applications using the basic services of synchronization across the devices done over internet. Mesh, true to its name, will enable users to reach their information and applications irrespective of the machine they are currently working on (think entire Office running on any computer you log on without having to install app on every machine)…

As of today, Live Mesh team has made only some of these experiences available. These experiences are:

  1. Files that automatically get syncronised on all the machines that run this program (sort of Foldershare)
  2. Online file storage (sort of Skydrive)
  3. Online group collaboration (sort of Groove)
  4. Remote Desktop Viewing (sort of SharedView)

The cool thing here is the seamless implementation of Software + Services. The cloud becomes a core part of the Mesh system.

To experience this path breaking technology in India, go here:

You can pass on your feedback about Live Mesh at the forums..

CAUTION: There is still a  maximum limit on the number of users for the Technology Preview. However, anyone in the allowed countries can sign-up with no delays or wait list as long as they are below the limit. So don’t delay the sign up!

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Independence Day


Congratulations Countrymen!

May peace and sense prevail..

Software piracy is bane to all the software developers in the country and ultimately hurts the reputation of the country on the world stage. in order to establish ourselves as respected, India needs to tighten its laws & enforcement against software piracy.

piracyI have always believed that any law enforcement has to be done on a citizen – govt. partnership (see my initiative).. A citizen plays an equally important part in this education and enforcement.

Microsoft has now enabled people to report its software piracy. If you are in India and observe any software piracy of Microsoft software  you have the option of reporting the same in the following ways:

Method 1: E-mail

Method 2: Call the Microsoft Hotline  at 1800-111100  (from MTNL & BSNL landline) or 1800-1021100 (from Mobile and  Airtel) 

Method 3: Fill out an online reporting form.

More details are available here:

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This post is thanks to the meeting with an iphone enthusiast over the weekend. Now this iphone enthusiast isn’t from India and has been using an iphone for some time alongwith his Mac. While checking out the cool interface of the iphone we casually started to compare the features of his iphone with the HTC Windows Mobile we were carrying.

iphone this is more relevant as airtel and vodaphone are planning to come out with iphone 3G soon in India (for airtel the launch is fixed on Aug 22nd)… while the pricing is not yet disclosed, i would assume that they may cost around 30K in India. and the irony is that in India there isn’t a single 3g network and the ones most likely to get are the govt. carriers like BSNL 🙂

What follows below are some discoveries we made in that friendly comparison:

iphone has cooler interface than Windows Mobile. Agree. One of us has tried to include a iphone shell (iPhonz) on Win Mobile but the quality of that shell was really bad and the phone had to be rebooted.. i am now running a  skin that emulates the slide to unlock feature..

we all agreed that apple is a control freak and iphone is a marvel of their work! you can’t get any app on the phone if you don’t buy it off the apple store without jailbreaking the iphone (voids the warranty!!).. meaning thereby you have to pay for every app you install on iphone.. windows mobile comes with numerous applications developed by the community and are available for Free (a good site to get this freeware:

the commercial applications that you develop for iphone have to be hosted on the apple store and they keep a cut off your IP.. no such bull crap for windows mobile… you get to keep the money on what you developed..

the iphone is going to come out in 1 or max 2 versions… very limited choice.. HTC Touch Diamondi.e. if i wanted a qwerty keyboard i can’t do anything or a slider keyboard.. windows mobile does offer you that option from multiple vendors.

the iphone is really maimed on the following accounts:

  1. no copy paste of contents  (e.g. email/ SMS text) or files from one location to another (how can one NOT have this??)
  2. no bluetooth transfer of anything i.e. mp3, images, videos
  3. can’t use iphone as wireless modem for your PC.. hence you can’t share your internet with your own PC..
  4. the camera is a simple 2 MP and can’t record video
  5. no Java support (thereby a lot of existing apps won’t work)
  6. the battery is locked inside the phone.. changing the same means getting to the apple store…
  7. Can’t send MMS.. imagine this!!
  8. no FM radio
  9. can’t use MP3 files as ringtones..
  10. can’t use ipod as external storage device to carry documents, pictures etc.
  11. there are no expansion slots available apart from built in memory..
  12. no flash or silverlight support
  13. no office apps installed… i.e. u can’t read documents on iphone or quickly revise your presentation
  14. if you are a coporate customer you don’t any security features like remote wipe if ur phone gets stolen or any corporate management server to manage mobile devices..

Well it is upto you to buy into the hype or be intelligent and make an informed choice..

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