Archive for the ‘indibloggies’ Category

Here is a great effort to award the Top Indian Blogs:

This comes close on the heels of the reports that there are around 13.5 million blogs in India. The shortlist has 175 blogs in various categories from 750 nominations received. That’s a awful lot lesser than the “supposed” no of blogs we have in India. Just hope that the participation grows in this blogging contest.

There was a developer blog contest done by MS India some time ago as well at:

I am totally impressed with the way of nominating the blog for the award – through and that makes it ultra community oriented.

Now, I am a techie at heart. So i quickly jumped in the Science/ Technology area. Some very interesting blogs have made it to the category. I was however disappointed to see certain blogs with no tech content featured in the category. I point to: on the comment from the author, I agree that this blog is about “science” not “technology”.

Jurors please don’t include blogs in Science/ Technology when they don’t write about anything else. Do you want to reconsider this category ?

It is SUPERB that the list of jurors is available. Why not go a step ahead and announce the award criteria as well? Is it only the no. of votes that a blog receives?

I think the criteria’s got to be more than no of votes – the influence of blogs in the blogosphere. you can measure it today with various tools available.

I propose the following format:

  • Popularity of blogs based on votes (30% weight)
  • Influence of blogs based on (40% weight)
  • Blog Age (10% weight)
  • No. of blog posts for duration under consideration (10% weight)
  • Juror’s Vote (10% weight)

(ideally i would also love to get the no. of comments made in the blog as a criteria but we can’t measure that objectively yet)

Stack rank each blog based on above in each category. multiply that with the weightage of the factor. total up the rank. The blog with lowest score should give you the winners.

I illustrate that with an example.

Based on the criteria we have the following stack rankings for each blog based on the above mentioned criteria:

Blog X Blog Y Blog Z
Popularity 1 3 2
Influence 2 1 3
Blog Age 3 1 2
No. of Posts 1 3 2
Juror’s Post 3 1 2

Now the calculation:

Blog X Blog Y Blog Z
Popularity (0.3) 0.3 0.9 0.6
Influence (0.4) 0.8 0.4 1.2
Blog Age (0.1) 0.3 0.1 0.2
No. of Posts (0.1) 0.1 0.1 0.2
Juror’s Vote (0.1) 0.3 0.1 0.2
TOTAL 1.8 1.6 2.4

From the above, Blog Y is the BEST blog followed by Blog X and Blog Z.

What say?

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