Archive for June, 2008

DISCLAIMER: This isn’t a technical post but a personal one. The occasion warrants it!

father day gift

I haven’t being writing a lot of blog posts lately. Simply ‘cause I am now a father! I see this as a promotion that God has made for me to make me a better person..

The little boy was born on June 6th in Gurgaon. And ever since that day I have been learning a new trick everyday.

Few of my blogger friends got innovative and gifted the little one a new domain name – thanks amit, ashish and abby.

And we haven’t named him yet! The astrologer says that his name should begin with “H” and so the hunt for a name is on. If you really ask me I am waiting for an inspiration to help me choose a name. Do you have a suggestion?

I am going to get regular with my blogging from now on. So stay tuned for more of what this blog is all about microsoft technologies in india…

big_blue2 Silverlight 2 BETA 2 will be releasing later in this week. Silverlight 2 improved over Silverlight 1 by incorporating .NET CLR in it thereby immensely improving the usefulness..

The BETA 2 now takes Silverlight 2 to “Enterprise Ready” status with a commercial go-live license available… Some improvements included in BETA 2 are:

  • New and improved controls (over 40 new controls – button, check box, date controls, gridview, layout, TabControl, text wrapping and scrollbars for TextBox, and for DataGrid additions include Autosize, Reorder, Sort)
  • Networking improvements (cross-domain networking support for calling REST, WS*/SOAP, POX, RSS, and standard HTTP services, upload support for WebClient, and duplex communications)
  • Data handling Improvements (can now provide one way or two way databinding to any number of data sources including LINQ)
  • Improvements in error handling, reporting and development experience
  • Updates to Deep Zoom and animation  (XML-based file format for Deep Zoom image tiles, as well as a new MultiScaleTileSource that enables existing tile databases to utilize Deep Zoom. build ads that plug into Silverlight and work with myriad network and syndication providers in the ecosystem)
  • Updates to ensure WPF compatibility
  • General improvements in performance and keyboard input support

One of the beacon deployments of Silverlight is going to be at Beijing Olympic Games where it will be used to  deliver an exclusive access to over 3000 hours of live and on-demand video content.

Silverlight 2 is going to debut in Fall of 2008.

Can you think of getting left behind?

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taskmarket Microsoft has seemingly launched a new site – that is meant as an exchange for freelancers and experts. It is in the lines of international sites like,, and

At the site, you are required to register with a unique username and provide your paypal ID. The site offers the options to:

The site is very new (most of the jobs posted had the date for 3 June i.e. TODAY).. by industry sources this market may be as large as $10 mn by 2010.

This is especially relevant to India as most of the technical jobs are done here. The no. of freelancers are only set to explode in the coming days!

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