Archive for July, 2007

I was an avid user of the Hindi Interface for Windows XP. When Vista was released, this Hindi interface was not available. Now it has been released and is available for download:

And if you are looking for language interfaces in other languages than Hindi, refer:

you can find Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Konkani, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu there amongst others.

All one needs to do is download and install the package. After installation, the system will ask you to logout and then log back in. this should get you the language interface you installed.

in my case, after the logoff/ login, I had to go to control panel and change the display interface from “Language and Interface Options”.

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Visual Studio 2008 enables developers to build a spectrum of solutions, from rich Windows and Office-based applications, to dynamic Web sites, to an emerging class of rich interactive applications all with one toolset.  Following BETA tools have been announced with immediate availability:

  • Visual Studio 2008 Beta 2 provides a unified development environment and includes support for Windows and the Microsoft Office system, which enable developers in building compelling rich client applications. Now, with included support for ASP.NET AJAX and the Silverlight Add-in for Visual Studio 2008 (see below), developers can also build a spectrum of rich interactive applications for the Web.
  • .NET Framework 3.5 Beta 2 builds on the user experience, Web service-based communications, and workflow advances of the .NET Framework 3.0. In addition, Visual Studio 2008 now includes full project template and tools support for many of the .NET Framework 3.0 capabilities previously introduced.

· Silverlight 1.0 Release Candidate enables media professionals, designers, and developers to build rich interactive applications for the Web. Silverlight capabilities include fast, cost-effective delivery of high-quality audio and video to all major browsers including Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer. This release is the last step before the final code ships.

· Silverlight Add-In for Visual Studio 2008 (CTP) enables developers to start building Silverlight 1.0 applications from within the Visual Studio 2008 environment and work with their designer counterparts using Expression Blend 2 August Preview.

Additionally, a Go Live License is available for developers to build and deploy solutions today using Visual Studio 2008 Beta 2, the .NET Framework 3.5 Beta 2, and Silverlight 1.0 Release Candidate. Developers can download the Visual Studio 2008 and .NET Framework 3.5 Beta 2 here. The Silverlight 1.0 Release Candidate is available for download here:

For more information on these releases and how together they help developers deliver great solutions, check out the Channel 9 video with S. Somasegar, Corporate VP of Developer Division, and Scott Guthrie, General Manager of the Developer Division. You can also read their blog posts on the topic.

S. Somasegar:

Scott Guthrie:

In a recent Times of India report, it was “disclosed” that Microsoft will be setting up a university  in Bangalore and that negotiations are already on with the state IT ministry.

On checking with MS folks here, it appears that this report is false.  There are no such plans from Microsoft. There seems to be a misunderstanding by the journalist and a clarification has already been made to the Times of India.

On the very next day, 13th July ’07 TOI Bangalore edition  carried out the clarification, available on Pg.19, Times Business section.

It says : ” No varsity plans, says Microsoft ”

Microsoft Corporation says it has no plans to set up a university in B’lore. “It is not our area of expertise,” said an official release from the company.

The MS release mentions the company’s commitment to the cause of education and the higher learning in IT. “We’re sensitive to the need of the Indian industry and the  government’s initiative to  bridge the talent gap that it is currently facing. We are and will continue to collaborate with the government, academia and the industry to address the issue,” it said.

All’s well that ends well..

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Windows Home Server has been released today. Read more about it here:

the post above is a snapshot of the evolution of the now Windows Home Server over 8 years. The magnitude of people involved is also mind boggling: 100,000+ participants

Admittedly, I haven’t installed the home server at home yet! I believe that Home Server will work as a great home backup device. if you are running more than a few devices in home, this will be an ideal solution for your backup needs. what is interesting is that it may be an ideal solution for SME rather than home users 🙂

with the platform supporting add-ins with a SDK you can bet that many more innovative solutions will be built on this platform.

Official MS site:

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Here’s a set of brief and very useable Blend and Silverlight tutorials that you will love. they are brief and quick and has nothing else to dilute the learning experience.

Best of all, it is the first tutorial that talks to designers and shows them Blend ..

catch the tutorial at:

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