Archive for May, 2007

Want to attend TechEd US and not travelling there?

You can now attend TechEd virtually at:

And if you are wondering about TechEd in India, this is now being called TechMela to be held from June 14-16 in Mumbai. Check out the details on:

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Silverlight Streaming is a service that gives you 4 GB of FREE space for hosting your silverlight applications. Uploading a silverlight video for us on your blog consists of the following:
  1. Encoding the source with Silverlight Media Encoder
  2. Preparing the upload package
  3. Upload the video to Silverlight Streaming Service
  4. Modify the Blog Template
  5. Make the blog post

Encoding the video is accomplished by a free tool – Expression Media Encoder that can encode virtually any video/ audio source into Silverlight compatible format and provide simple player controls. You can encode any video by using File -> Import option. In the Settings tab (located at right of the screen), you should change the Video encoding depending on the server you are targeting. The result of encoding is a directory with various files.

For preparing the silverlight video, you will need to delete a few files and includng a manifest.xml file. Refer here for step by step process:

Zip the files in the package as per the instructions at the above URL making sure that all the files are in the root of the zip folder structure.

To upload to streaming service, login at: with your passport ID and click on Manage applications. After the upload, silverlight will present you with 3 chunks of code that you need to upload for video to reach you. checking everything is in working order is essential by browsing to the test page available on the link – “Launch Application Test Page”. DO NOT close the page as it contains details to be used later (shown below)

If you are putting up the silverlight streaming video for the first time on your blog, you will need to do a one time modification to you blog template. For blogger, you will need to modify the template to include a single line in the <head> section of the blog template. You can do that by going to the Settings of the blog – > Template Tab -> Edit HTML and then copying the following between the tags anywhere:

Copy this to the post body. then copy the content from step 2 and copy the content immediately after the above content. you will need to remove all white spaces from the code there (else it will get converted to
and create problems). You can use delete button to delete the white spaces so as to bring all the code from step 2 in a single line.

Publish the post!

You can see a sample post done by me:

function CreateSilverlight(){Sys.Silverlight.createHostedObjectEx({source: “streaming:/236/SeansMessage”,parentElement: SeansMessageWrapper});}

var SeansMessageWrapper = document.getElementById(“SeansMessageWrapper”);CreateSilverlight();
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no warranties, and confers no rights.

If you drive, you know that there are people out there with no regard to traffic rules or common sense. Except swearing at them there is little one can do anything about them.

There is a new site that let’s you be a Citizen cop and report these traffic violations. – To challenge these traffic violators the site is asking for help from the citizens of India (that’s you!).

TrafficViolators.comThe site requires you to register (a single click process with username, password and email). The reason for registration is to discourage fraudulent entries by anonymous people. Also, they say you can send SMS to the site that will upload the registration no. (feature coming soon).

After registration, you can enter the registration no of the vehicle that you find violating traffic rules on the road. You can just enter the registration no of the vehicle or include as many details as you can remember about the violating vehicle by clicking on “Add a Traffic Violation” link. That’s it-one click and you’re done!

You can also return to the site later and provide additional details about the violation that you have earlier reported.\

You can view the top violators based on city, registration no, violation type by clicking on “View Top Violators” button.

Fear of commitment or retaliation? No worries. Only enter violations when you want and the name of the person is never disclosed.

Everyone complains about drivers with no traffic sense- here’s your chance to do something about it!

Help us by forwarding this link to all your friends and family!

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This posting is provided “AS IS” with no warranties, and confers no rights.


no need to miss the coolest innovations in hardware space if you can’t make it :).. especially true if you are in India..

Official page of WinHEC:

WinHEC is the event where MS unveils hardware innovations and future roadmap.

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The MS CEO Summit is a private event that convenes more than 100 CEOs from the world’s top companies to discuss how technology and business trends will shape the future of business.

For the first year ever, an inside peek into CEO Summit is available via CEO Summit Online.  

CEO Summit Online can be found here:

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Simply put this Silverlight is next gen for developers. here is a detailed comparison by someone who knows both worlds very well:

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Microsoft India has announced that its premier technology event – TechEd India will evolve into a larger technology event as TechMela.

From an official communication:

“TechMela is an evolution of the erstwhile TechEd, Mobile and Embedded Developers’ Conference, and IndiMIX. TechMela is a fusion of the latest technologies, business gurus, and structured learning experiences – all you can ask for, in one grand, mother-of-all-tech-events!”

TechMela will be held from June 13 – 16 in Mumbai with June 13 reserved for business decision makers and rest of the days for technology. In a significant development, the latter technology event doesn’t only cover Developers and IT professionals. It now includes Architects, Designers and Technology enthusiasts.

IMHO, you can expect to see new Microsoft technologies – Silverlight, WPF, Win Mobile 6, Live development etc covered at this event. the event is happening after TechEd US and hence we would also see the evangelists covering some latest presentations from there as well.

Will community have a presence there? Let’s see 🙂

Hotmail after being in public BETA for 2 years has launched today in 36 languages. Almost everyone has seen the new interface that Hotmail has. However the news is that Hotmail will allow customers to access their accounts for free via Outlook 2003 and Outlook 2007 with the Microsoft Office Outlook Connector (formerly a subscription-only feature). A beta of the connector will be available in 11 languages in the coming weeks.


More details at:


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