Archive for March, 2006

My Windows Explorer would crash from time to time and so today morning i decided to reinstall Windows on my machine – in retrospection that was a decision that would cost me a day!

Post successful reinstall (so i thought), i couldn’t work on my machine as each time i would log into the machine, I would be told that i need to activate my machine. But pressing the “OK” button just logged me out instead of taking me to the Activation Wizard. And so i was totally logged out of my machine.

Few things i have learnt:

  1. Safe mode doesn’t support activation
  2. Activation is a process that is greek to even the support folks

So here I am at the end of the day and trying to reinstall another copy of windows on the current windows in hope that this windows will let me log into the machine and would activate successfully.

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WPF Everywhere!

Windows Presentation Foundation, is the new API for Vista suite of products. WPF is the framework for all user interfaces on the Vista.

The next step is ubiquity of WPF. Not only on Vista running on PCs but also on Mac and other mobile devices. This leap is being taken by WPF/E (WPF – Everywhere) which is a subset runtime of WPF. It would include “almost” all of the WPF features availalble for the PC platform.

ActiveX and plug-ins for WPF/E will be provided for browsers.

One will have choice of the technology for use amongst Atlas, Direct 3D, Win forms, WPF.

One thing is sure – going forward WPF/E would be the underlying technology for everything including Atlas, ability of Win forms to host WPF. And XAML is going be the way forward for presentation.
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Infopath 20O7 has enhanced features for simplifying the distribution of Infopath forms. ln nfopath 2003 you could only send the form as an email attachment. Upon receipt of the email the user would have to fire Infopath on local machine to fill the form.
In Infopath 2007, fom ditribtion is greatly enhanced. Now the forms can be distributed in two ways :
1. Sending forms as embedded form within Outlook. User will be able to just reply to the email without having to fire up Infopath separately.
2. Publishing form on the web as a thin client/normal web form. User will not have to have Infopath on his machine. Uses will be able to fill and submit the form at one go. This feature comes at no extra design time effort for the dev. This is called “design once” feature.

what’s even better is that lnfopathwill now even support mobileforms.

More details on this feature can be found at:
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I have been able to get access to Office Live website on a trial basis. I will be revewing the same and sharing more details about the service shortly 🙂

the external facing front end to the service is:
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Here is something interesting – A managed wrapper for NNTP:
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